the sweetest of smile can only be seen within ones' face who bear a beautiful soul[^^,]

Dec 28, 2014

The Flood

Terasa ingin menulis, tapi tak tahu apa yang nak dicoretkan. Stuck. Baik di blog ini, di diari sekali sekala itu mahupun untuk Itw. Haih. I've gone 3 days without anything there. Poor me. Writer's block kununnya. lol. Terasa ingin meluah tapi tak terluah pula. Hiks. Maka, biarkan post ini sekadar apa yang random terlintas di minda sahaja.
Satu minggu ini negara agak huru hara dek kerana banjir sahaja. Tapi memang benar, sangat dahsyat kali ini. Hujan lebat berterusan. Air sungai dan laut? melimpah-limpah. Musim monsun ditambah dengan kejadian meteorologi memberi impak cukup besar. Banyak tempat air mencecah ke atap rumah. Scary betul. Arus deras pula. Melibatkan beberapa negeri. Paling teruk di Kelantan khususnya. Memang tak semua tempat terjejas tapi tempat yang sangat terjejas persis baru dilanda tsunami. Terimbau memori tsunami terburuk 10 tahun lepas. Lebih kurang pula tu waktunya. Walaupun baru 12 tahun ketika itu, tapi haru biru orang serata dunia masih segar di ingatan. Mungkin ten years from now, if I live long enough insyaAllah, I'll be writing the same thing, reminiscing this flood.
My biggest concern always goes to the helpless ones. Neonates, the extremely sick people and the elderly and maybe the animals. How'd they go through this tough times. Is help and rescue reachable to them. Could they survive with limited resources. Reading stories from Hospital Kuala Krai, hurm, I suppose it is extremely useful if there is a heli pad on top of every hospital nowadays. Have to, just in case. I couldn't imagine all the worst case scenarios that could happen there. The good thing is, at least some survivors are reachable through social medias. But what happened to the helpless villagers with no gadgets and line?
Good thing is, as reported today, ada tempat air dah mula surut, Alhamdulillah, it's time to clean the aftermath pula. And hats off to the every party involved in the help and rescue for the flood survivors, especially the army, NGO's and lots of selfless individuals who give non stop supports and help from every little aspect. Salute!
Tried to reach some friends who's place been affected and I'm really glad they are fine. The UMK's will be postponing their finals to next sem (well, let's say it's a blessings in disguise perhaps? haha), Echa n Ziqa are now trying to find alternatives to head back home, Mirah and Asfa are okay, Wany's place aren't affected as she said, Dak Na's home is affected, but still she can whatsapp her photo main air banjir takat lutut with caption "I yg cute"  maka harus tidak perlu dirisaukan =.='. Dak Ben is okay coz her house in a higher area and Paien and Qurat isn't at K. Kangsar, they're safe.
I hope this natural disaster will end soon enough, biiznillah. The cost for this is beyond what I can ever imagine yet, the spirit of many selfless people who offers countless of help is what I see as something hopeful. And together, we could build back what have been lost, insyaAllah. (well of course not something that beyond human limits, like bringing back the soul of deceased victims)

Semoga hujan akan berhenti,
Dan mentari akan tiba kembali.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiuun"
From Allah we came, and to Allah we shall return.

Marsh 28/12/14 3:13 a.m

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