the sweetest of smile can only be seen within ones' face who bear a beautiful soul[^^,]

Jun 22, 2015


To the man that always loves me no matter what,
To the man who always be there whenever I needed him,
To the man who always trusted my guts,
To the man whom I sometimes failed him but he never failed me,
To the man who always take care of my mum for me,
To the man who always encourage me to be better,
To the man who always make sure I am safe and protected me,
To the man who always remind me to never forget the Creator,
To the man, who always portray how a father should be,
To the man who show me what is to love endlessly,

Do know, I am always blessed with your love and your care,
And I am very grateful for every single of it,
Since I was born, up to now,
May Allah grants you His Jannah.
That is the best thing I could ever ask for you.

Stay in good health, ayah!
Adik will always be loving you.

Happy Father's Day,
well basically, everyday

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