the sweetest of smile can only be seen within ones' face who bear a beautiful soul[^^,]

Dec 15, 2014

The meaning of giving

Just read a simply inspiring story. From HERE. :')

"......When he made a visit to the eye doctor in 2009, I asked Dartanyon to include me on the consent form so I could access his records if need be. Later that day, I received a call from the office administrator. "I just thought you should know what Dartanyon wrote on his consent form today," she said, somewhat undone. "Next to your name, on the release, is a space that says 'Relationship to Patient.' Dartanyon wrote 'Guardian Angel.'"

"I stayed because my heart was too heavy for my legs to walk away".

"I stayed because I vowed right then to fill Leroy's life with a thousand good things until he simply burst with joy".

"....And that is why I stayed. Because hope and love and rejoicing and redemption can happen to kids like them. And people like me, people from the "other side," who can soften life's blows for them, ought to help".

"I stayed because we get only one life, and we don't truly live it until we give it away."
"I stayed because we can change the world only when we enter into another's world."
"I stayed because I love you."

Simply inspiring. Simply touching. Respect for you Lisa. For your handful of kindness, soulful realization and help. And to those boys, Leroy and Dartanyon, with their soulful friendship made from God despite the hardest battle they got to go through. :')

P/S: I gotta go to bed now, after wiping my last tear.

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