the sweetest of smile can only be seen within ones' face who bear a beautiful soul[^^,]

Jul 15, 2013

walking life.

Sometimes, we prone to get jealous over other people. Of what they have, what they achieve or what they get.
This things often triggers our minds to compare of how easy and blissful their life is and how unlucky we are,how cruel this life is or even lead to questioning Allah's'uzubillahi min zalik.
But apart from that, have we ever actually wonder, what's behind all those achievements or blessings they got?
Have we ever wondered, behind those happy smiles and laughters,kept hidden thousands of dark secrets and pains?
How many times did she/he stumbles and falls?
How much tears have been shed along the way?
How things keep haunting,daunting fears,freaking nightmares or even ,moments of giving up in life?

Who might knows,while you are whining to be in their shoes, they actually dying to be given a day to be in yours.
Because you never knew how your life would turn if you are in their shoes.
Can we guarantee we will be as happy as it seems?
Can we handle the sufferings as well?
How can we be so sure that their sufferings are nothing compared to ours and their blessings are greater than what we got?
Hurm...hurm..that is points to ponder.
Because our greatest Lord have beautifully put things according to what they should be.
Perfect moment.Just what one's need.
Greatness,power,wellness,richness and achievements that we saw with our naked eye might also is a test for them.
 Sometimes it is an istidraj.But Na'uzubillahi min zalik.
Put faith that everything we got in this moment is just perfect for what we need.
Be it good or bad.
Either some blessings from Him or some test in order to make us stronger.
Take some time to reflects and be grateful of what we have.
Always remember that Allah won't burden a soul beyond his capacity.
If you are about to get it,then you will get.
All that matters is just a perfect timing.
Try teach ourselves not to hesitate.And never lose hope.
And if you feel you are blessed with superiority than others,never brag.
Stay humble and be grateful always.
As who would know if God are about to take all those from you in a blink of eye.
Percayalah,kalau kita sentiasa rasa cukup dengan apa yang dikurniakan olehNya,walau sedikit pun, kebahagiaan itu akan datang sendiri.

"Kebahagiaan orang.
Kita takkan pernah tahu apa yang sudah mereka lalui.
Itu part mereka,ujian mereka,anugerah mereka.
Dan setiap yang diuji itu,ada part bahagia sendiri,percaya pada Rabbi, Dia maha adil.

People don't get happiness by luck. They choose.Above all, everything happens by God's will.


-repost back from DenaBahrin's IG-

Assalamualaikum wbt.
Have a blessed day peeps.

p/s: This is actually a reminder to myself in the first place and also to you lovely brothers and sisters.Sharing is caring.Sharing means loving.mwah :)

1 comment:

Ezzati Aiza said...

agree! selalu doa yg Allah shj cukup bg kite...